
Waarom de PvdA een Pieter Omtzigt nodig heeft

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Een bekentenis: ik heb een paar keer gesolliciteerd naar het Kamerlidmaatschap. Tevergeefs, natuurlijk, maar ik ben wel twee keer uitgenodigd voor een gesprek. In beide gesprekken werd me gevraagd welke politicus ik nou als voorbeeld had. Beide keren antwoordde ik “Pieter Omtzigt”, en beide…

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How to drink responsibly (Eruvin 65)

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Rav Sheishet is quoted to have said that the Jews should not be held responsible for their sins, as they were “drunk without having drunk wine” due to all the hardships they encountered during the continued state of exile. A lame excuse. Everyone is…

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Bij de dood van Julius Vischjager

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De laatste keer dat ik Julius Vischjager sprak was ruim twee jaar geleden. Het was Prinsjesdag, en de traditionele netwerkborrel van VNO/NCW was in volle gang. Julius mocht er niet in. Huilend en briesend probeerde hij het beveiligingspersoneel te overreden hem toch toe te…

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The Rabbis and Science (Eruvin 57)

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Robbert – With today’s daf we are squarely (no pun intended) back in hard-core eruvin territory – although we are, strictly speaking, not dealing with eruvin, but with the cities of the levi’im. I don’t know how the gemara gets here, but that happens…

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Emotions (Eruvin 52)

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Joel – Todays daf also speaks about substance over form. The Gemara brings in Raba bar Rav Chanan whose custom it was to go from Artibbena to Pumbedita on Shabbat and formally acquired residence in Tzinta, which was located between the Shabbat limits of…

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Substance over Form (Eruvin 49)

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Robbert – The daf today talks again a bit about making an eruv chatzerot. This the eruv that is required to allow a person to carry in a courtyard that is shared with other people. One of the requirements of making a proper eruv…

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Helping without knowledge (Eruvin 44)

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When a person is outside of the area he can walk (his techum, which is 2.000 amot from his residence), he is only allowed to walk an additional 4 amot (one ama is 6 handbreadths). There was an an incident which is recorded on…

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Holy and Profane (Eruvin 40)

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Today’s and yesterday’s dapim seem to be (dare I say it? in eruvin?) fairly engaging and interesting. A welcome digression from poles and holes and things that are higher than or lower than other things. Not that there is anything wrong with the technicalities…

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